Very sad and a shame. But it does not matter the adventure continues in another form, it’s a new start, for better, that’s it.
Have Fun Antony
Very sad and a shame. But it does not matter the adventure continues in another form, it’s a new start, for better, that’s it.
Have Fun Antony
It feels like we failed in being a team.
It’s sad as 99% of the drawings where done and that was the hardest bit. We just had to order the bits and build it… for that we had to sit down a couple of hours to get it done… some of us seem to have better to do 🙁
Still I really want to thank the people from Colab Systems, and specially Bruno who was very available and helpful. Without his help, the drawings would never have gone so far.
I think I will build the plane for my own pleasure and perhaps one for a friend who wants to make some aerial footage.
Sorry Bruno to have let you down.
PS: si le français est le roi des cons, le british est le roi des enculés. Se faire enculer, ce ne sont que les 3 premiers centimètres qui font mal… après certains y prennent gout!…