
It feels like we failed in being a team.

It’s sad as 99% of the drawings where done and that was the hardest bit. We just had to order the bits and build it… for that we had to sit down a couple of hours to get it done… some of us seem to have better to do 🙁

Still I really want to thank the people from Colab Systems, and specially Bruno who was very available and helpful.  Without his help, the drawings would never have gone so far.

I think I will build the plane for my own pleasure and perhaps one for a friend who wants to make some aerial footage.

Sorry Bruno to have let you down.



PS: si le français est le roi des cons, le british est le roi des enculés.  Se faire enculer, ce ne sont que les 3 premiers centimètres qui font mal… après certains y prennent gout!…

Victor Rojas

I’m Peruvian and I’ve been living in London since October 2004. I came to the UK to face new challenges in my life.
Trained as a structural engineer (BSc in civil engineering, 1990 UNI-Lima, Perú, postgraduate studies, 1994 Chiba University, Japan and short-term consultant, 2008 Imperial College London). From 2001 at 2004 working as regional advisor in disaster management for the World Health Organisation in South-America.
Now, working in volunteering positions in the mental health sector in my recovery process as service user of SLaM-NHS.
I met Stefano at Mosaic Clubhouse in Atkin Road. He told me his ideas of flying and to participate in a competition out of London. I became very interested and excited. I want to contribute in this project with my expertise in resistance of materials, stability, structural design and optimisation. I strongly believe that the success of any challenge is working as a team, creativity and motivation. If you dream it, you can do it!

Antony GIBBS

I’m french and I have moved in London in November 2009 to follow my girlfriend who works in the city.
Trained a photographer (BA in digital imaging, 1994 MMU – Manchester) I now make a living as a freelance web designer.
I want to pass the glider flying license and in the mean time I’ve been having lots of joy from flying some RC foamies as a first step taking me in the air.
I’m very excited by this project.

How it started

I had just spotted the BMFA Challenge when Stefano mentioned he would be interested in developing an activity around rc model planes at the Mosaic Clubhouse and that Make Me Smile Again could be a way of financing such a project.

So Stefano and Victor filled in the application form for Make Me Smile Again and on the 9th of February Stefano got a confirmation that they had agreed to support the project with £746 🙂

In the mean time, I got a chance to talk with Lucien Cabrol, the inventor of the COLAB Concept (French).  He thought this concept was well adapted for such a project  and gave me some useful guidance.  The concept uses wings that join at their tips, having two major benefits: increased strength by triangulation and being far more efficient than a wing of same width.
More efficient in that it can get better lift, can fly slower and can fly faster that a traditional wing and still remaining more stable, and the best of all, such a wing is still simple to build using the same techniques as for a standard straight wing.

Collab Concept RC model plane