Category Archives: Competition
All members of the team MUST READ this document!
[…] transport the greatest quantity of water around a predetermined triangular course in a prescribed 10 minute time slot utilising a standardised propulsion unit. […]
The competition will take place on the 6th of June 2011.
We’ll have to hand in by the 6th of May the drawings of the plane.
The judges will evaluate the drawings based on a professional standard format. Areas of evaluation will include.
Detail Completeness Explanation of structures Readability Graphical standards
A maximum of three sheets of drawings is required. The drawings will be worth 25 points.[…]
Each team must submit a report which outlines the design philosophy of the aircraft, team roles and responsibilities, choice of configuration, payload distribution, manufacturing techniques and any practical testing undertaken. No prediction of the total payload to be transported is required. Any original or innovative ideas should be described, together with the use of unique or advanced structural techniques and materials. The report is worth 25 points and should comprise no more than six double-spaced, typewritten pages of A4 paper, including any appendices and diagrams. Minimum type size to be 12 point.